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Jams: Beacon

  • Beacon VMB (GR HQ) 413 Main Street Beacon, NY, 12508 United States (map)

Weekly Beacon Jam Sessions

Our Jam sessions are outlets for guardians to explore & enjoy music and build meaningful relationships.

Hosted by a trained Lead Musician, Jams are designed for community-based music experiences.

Guardians of any skill level are welcome to join — using your own instrument or one of ours.

  • WHO: Guardians only (veterans & first responders)

    • We welcome all guardians (active & retired): Veterans, Active Military, Reserve, National Guard, Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, EMS, Dispatchers, Corrections, and Federal Agents

  • WHEN: Tuesdays @ 6 - 8 PM ET

  • WHERE: Guardian Revival HQ, Veterans Memorial Building

    • 413 Main St, Beacon, NY 12508

    • Downstairs hall / stage


Encore provides veterans & first responders with (free) opportunities to learn, write, play, record, and share music.

  • JAMS: Regular sessions of casual community-based music experiences hosted by a trained Lead Musician. Guardians of any skill level are welcome to join — using their own instrument or one of ours. Come jam with us in Beacon NY, Mahopac NY, Manhattan NYC, and Billings MT.

  • LESSONS: We offer beginner to advanced guitar, ukulele, bass, and piano lessons via zoom. Lessons will start at your level & go at your pace, based on your individual goals and objectives with music. You can also learn basic music theory, if interested.

  • RETREATS: Led by a music therapist, these 3-day retreats offer guardians the opportunity to immerse in music together, providing a chance to reset through music & community.

  • TRACKS: A unique experience where we facilitate professional songwriting, recording, and releasing of a guardian’s original music. This opportunity to share their story helps them process emotions as well as offer a potential professional path forward with music.

    • Through our Tracks experience, we work with a guardian on professional songwriting, recording, and releasing their original music on our label, Guardian Revival Records (available on all streaming platforms).

December 16

First Responders Gathering

December 17

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