Guardian Revival Calendar
We organize free events for guardians (active & retired) and their families:
Active Military ᐧ Veterans ᐧ Reserves ᐧ National Guard ᐧ Law Enforcement ᐧ Fire & Rescue ᐧ Emergency Medical Services ᐧ Dispatchers ᐧ Corrections ᐧ Federal Agents
Join us for adventures, music, peer support, and more — we offer both virtual & in-person events
Please RSVP to participate. We hope to see you soon!

Mount Greylock
Join our outdoor leaders, Bill and Todd, for an exciting day-trip to hike the renowned Mount Greylock, the tallest peak in Massachusetts. The climb will be heart-pumping, but you'll be rewarded with awe-inspiring views. Transport available from Beacon, NY. DIFFICULTY: 🟥 Red (strenuous)
All events
Events for all our programs: Another Summit, Boots & Paws, Encore, Peer Services, and Homefront. Join us for adventures, music, workshops, peer support, and more.
We offer both virtual & in-person events. Hope to see you soon!
Click a date to see events and RSVP.
More events coming soon!
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