Guardian Revival is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that improves the mental health & well-being of military & first responders — our guardians — and their families, at no cost to them.

You are Never Alone

Guardian Revival offers a range of programs, all free to guardians.

We provide opportunities & resources to all guardians (active, former, and retired): Military, Veterans, Reserves, National Guard, Law Enforcement, Fire & Rescue, Emergency Medical Services, Dispatchers, Corrections, and Federal Agents.


Stay INformed

Receive updates about our programs, events, and progress to your inbox.

Upcoming events

Events for all our programs: Another Summit, Boots & Paws, Encore, and G-Connect. Join us for adventures, music, workshops, peer support, and more — we offer both virtual & in-person events. We hope to see you soon! Click an event to learn more and RSVP.

Keep in Touch

Guardian Revival

Guardian Revival is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that improves the mental health & well-being of military & first responders — our guardians — and their families, at no cost to them.

Through both in-person and online offerings, our programs have directly impacted guardians in states across the country.

Our programs offer a complimentary approach to healthcare, so that our guardians can pursue an empowered, integrative approach to improving their lives.

  • Decreased sense of loneliness

  • Increased sense of purpose

  • Growth in social network

  • Increased sense of belonging

  • Improved physical health

Together, these yield improved overall well-being.

All our programs are provided free of cost to guardians, so the support of donations, volunteers, and sponsorships make it all possible.

Please contact us to discuss potential sponsorship options or in-kind donations:

We can also help you set up an easy-to-use fundraising page, so you can collectively support a donation or sponsorship package with family, friends, or coworkers.


Become a champion

We collaborate with amateur and professional athletes who act as champions for our cause to break mental health stigmas & raise awareness so we can improve the lives of military & first responders.

Athletes with existing competitions, races, and events may partner with us, or you can apply for one of our entries to upcoming races & events worldwide.

“The outings are more than just exercise, it's like taking off your blinders

and being able to really see the world and appreciate it for what it is."

Another Summit


“It was a very accepting environment and honestly,

I didn’t know how much I needed those mobility exercises.”


& Gatherings

“I love that it was virtual. I felt at home with other veterans on the call.”