Guardian Revival Calendar
We organize free events for guardians (active & retired) and their families:
Active Military ᐧ Veterans ᐧ Reserves ᐧ National Guard ᐧ Law Enforcement ᐧ Fire & Rescue ᐧ Emergency Medical Services ᐧ Dispatchers ᐧ Corrections ᐧ Federal Agents
Join us for adventures, music, peer support, and more — we offer both virtual & in-person events
Please RSVP to participate. We hope to see you soon!

Equine Experiences
Horses are naturally sensitive to human emotions, making them incredible partners in this journey. Through ground-based horsemanship, we guide you through a hands-on experience to develop non-verbal communication skills, emotional agility, and tools to stay grounded in high-stress situations.

Equine Experience
Horses are naturally sensitive to human emotions, making them incredible partners in this journey. Through ground-based horsemanship, we guide you through a hands-on experience to develop non-verbal communication skills, emotional agility, and tools to stay grounded in high-stress situations.

Training: Group Crisis Intervention (GCI)
Learn the skills to recognize and assist groups who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. This session is not just informative — it’s practical, and it will empower you to be a source of help & hope and is valuable for anyone working in mental health and suicide prevention. Guardian Revival organizes training sessions for our team — and we’re opening this one up to first responders and military!

Training: Assisting Individuals in Crisis (AIC)
Learn the skills to recognize and assist someone who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. This session is not just informative — it’s practical, and it will empower you to be a source of help & hope and is valuable for anyone working in mental health and suicide prevention. Guardian Revival organizes training sessions for our team — and we’re opening this one up to first responders and military!

Training: Reducing Stigma
Break down barriers and build understanding. This training is designed to raise awareness and reduce the negative stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination associated with mental health and substance use. Guardian Revival organizes training sessions for our team — and we’re opening this one up to the broader guardian community!

Training: Mental Health First Aid
Learn the skills to recognize and assist someone who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. This session is not just informative — it’s practical, and it will empower you to be a source of help & hope and is valuable for anyone working in mental health and suicide prevention. Guardian Revival organizes training sessions for our team — and we’re opening this one up to the broader guardian community!

Revive & Thrive 2024
Join us for our end of year celebration: Revive & Thrive 2024 in Peekskill, NY on December 5th. Enjoy a night of music, film premieres, dinner, and an afterparty. Don’t miss this unforgettable evening of community and celebration!
All events
Events for all our programs: Another Summit, Boots & Paws, Encore, Peer Services, and Homefront. Join us for adventures, music, workshops, peer support, and more.
We offer both virtual & in-person events. Hope to see you soon!
Click a date to see events and RSVP.
More events coming soon!
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